Lot 76
Mishne Torah L'HaRambam, Hafla'ah-Shoftim - Venice, 1550-1551 - Disputed Edition that Preceded the Burning of the Talmud in Italy - Lacking Copy
Mishne Torah L'HaRambam, with Migdal Oz and Magid Mishne. Sefer Hafla'ah, Zera'im, Avodah, Korbanot, Taharah, Nezikin, Mishpatim and Shoftim. [Venice, 1550-1551. Justinian printing press].
Ancient ownership inscriptions in Italian Hebrew script: "I, David Chai purchased this book", "Shlomo Matzliach of Kaloi". Ownership signatures and stamps from Morocco: "Maimon di David Adahan", "Yitzchak Dehan".
Three volumes. Vol 1: 394-480 leaves. Vol. 2: 489-585 leaves. Vol. 3: 672-767, [1] leaves. Lacking [1] title page and leaves 481-488, 586-571, [4]. 36.5 cm. Condition varies, good-fair. Most leaves are in good condition. Stains. Restored tears in a few places. Worming. Non-contemporary bindings with leather spines. Damaged bindings.
This edition is a rival copy of the Bragadin edition printed in the same year in Venice. Marco Antonio Justinian, who founded his printing press for Hebrew books five years earlier in 1545, copied glosses by the Maharam of Padua printed by Bragadin. The Maharam Padua, author of the glosses, applied to Polish sages and to his cousin the Rama and they prohibited the purchase of Justinian's edition. This dispute between the two Christian printers finally led to the decree of burning books issued in Italy in 1553. See enclosed material.