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Nine Volumes of the Babylonian Talmud - Amsterdam, Sulzbach and Frankfurt am Main Editions - Large Format - Contemporary Leather Bindings

Nine volumes of the Babylonian Talmud in a large format, printed in Amsterdam, Sulzbach and Frankfurt am Main, most with handsome contemporary bindings:
· Tractate Nidah, with Mishnayot Seder Taharot. Frankfurt am Main, [1720]. Ancient ownership inscriptions (including one by Moshe Weil). Among the leaves is a handwritten letter in Yiddish, beginning with "Leiber R. Moshe".
· Tractates Sanhedrin, Shevu'ot, Makot, Eduyot and Horayat, Avot, Masechtot Ketanot and Halachot Ketanot by Rabbeinu Asher. Frankfurt am Main, [1720]. Ancient ownership inscriptions on flyleaves (Getshlich Sheftel son of…R. Sheftel", "R. Sheftel of Strasbourg", etc).
· Tractates Yevamot and Ketubot. Amsterdam, [1716-1717]. Bound with: Tractate Kiddushin. Frankfurt am Main, [1720].
· Tractates Berachot and Mishnayot Seder Zera'im. Amsterdam, [1752]. This copy does not have the [4] leaves of textual variations which appear at the beginning of the volume, however it includes [2] leaves with Dutch authorizations which do not exist in all copies.
· Tractates Pesachim, Betzah, Chagiga and Mo'ed Katan. Amsterdam, [1753-1754]. Wide margins.
· Tractates Chulin, Arachin, Temura, Keritot, Me'ila and Kinim. Amsterdam, [1764-1765]. Ownership inscriptions. [1] leaf (textual variations) which is not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book was appended to the end of Tractate Temura. Two leaves of illustrations of the layout of the Beit HaMikdash appear at the end of Tractate Kinim. Detached binding.
· Tractates Zevachim, Menachot and Bechorot. Amsterdam, [1765]. Wide margins.
· Tractates Gittin, Nedarim, Nazir and Sotah. Sulzbach, [1768-1769]. Ancient ownership inscriptions.
· Tractates Zevachim and Menachot. Sulzbach, [1768].
9 volumes. Large format: 32-42 cm. Size varies, overall good condition.