Lot 474
"Shoshanta" with Original Cover
"Shoshanat Ir HaKedoshah / Rose de Jerusalem". [Yitzchak Hagiz edition, Frankurt, 1880s].
28 lithographs of different sites in Jerusalem printed on a sheet folded in the shape of a rose (Shoshanta=rose). Titles of the sites are printed in Hebrew and in French. Included is the original paper cover with a general view of the Old City of Jerusalem printed on both sides.
Shoshanta: 23X23 cm. Good condition. Slight tears. Cover: 14X8.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains and some tears. Framed.
Literature: "Beikvot ha"Shoshanta" HaYerushalmit, Halutzat Halithographia HaIvrit BeEretz Israel" (Hebrew), Nir Feldman. In: Etmol 234, 2014, pp.6-8.
Provenance: Collection of Willy Lindwer.