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Lot 223

Collection of Catalogues and Scholarly Books on Jewish Art, Ketubot and Judaica

Large collection of catalogues and books on Jewish art, Ketubot and Judaica. Including: "Menorat HaHanukkah" (Hanukkah Lamp), by Mordechai Narkiss, 1939; "The Stieglitz Collection, Masterpieces of Jewish Art", Chaya Benjamin; "Omanut Ve-Umanut Be’Eretz Israel Ba-Mea Ha-Tesha Esreh" [Arts and Crafts in Eretz Israel in the 19th century], (Israel Museum, 1939); "Jewish Tradition in Art, the Feuchtwanger Collection of Judaica" by Dr. Yesha’ayahu Shachar (Israel Museum); and other important and rare catalogues.
Total of 112 books. Size and condition vary. A complete list of books will be provided upon request.