Lot 734
Menasseh Ben Israel – “Thirty Problems of Creation” – Amsterdam, 1635 – First Edition
De Creatione Problemata XXX [thirty problems of the creation], by Menashe ben Israel. Amsterdam: Typis & sumptibus Auctoris (printed by the author), 1635. First edition. Latin, Spanish and some Hebrew. First edition of Menasseh Ben Israel’s important book about the creation. Printed in the author’s printing press in Amsterdam (emblem of the printing press appears on the title page – square divided into nine squares, within which appear letters from the verse “Emet MeAretz Tizmach” in a manner which enables reading the verse horizontally and vertically). Five poems for the author open the book; poems by Caspar Barlaeus, Himanuel Nehamias, Jonah Abarbanel and Mosseh Pinto. [16], 156, [2] pp, 14 cm. Good condition. A piece of the title page is cut, restored with glued paper. The preceding leaf is also cut. Some handwritten inscriptions at margins of leaves, inscription on leaf preceding the title page (most of it cut) and signatures on title page. Somewhat worn leather binding (with tears at margins and spine).