Lot 352
Letter by Rebbe Shmuel Shlomo Leiner of Radzyn – To his Chassidim in Tel Aviv
Letter of blessings, support and guidance, by Rebbe Shmuel Shlomo Leiner to the members of the Beit HaChassidim in Tel Aviv. Radzyn, Poland, Iyar 1936. In a long letter written to the members of the Beit HaChassidim of Radzyn Chassidim in Tel Aviv, established in 1935, he writes: "You should merit raising the house of our G-d and reinstating our ruins and be blessed from Heaven with plenty of livelihood and blessing and peace… I have come to request and arouse you to be careful to study G-d's Torah, to set aside time for Torah study, each man according to his ability. Intend in your hearts that the words of the Torah should be dear to you and this should be all your intent. Remember that the toil in matters of this world is just a means for the end, the primary objective is only Torah and deeds. Therefore, be careful not to exchange the main objective with its subordinate…". Rebbe Shmuel Leiner (1909-perished in the Holocaust 1942), son of Rebbe Mordechai Yosef Elazar of Radzyn, son-in-law of Rebbe Yosef of Kalush. Outstanding Torah scholar and holy man with many public achievements. At the age of 20, he was appointed Rebbe of Radzyn Chassidim and established the Sod Yesharim Yeshiva. Revered by his students, he grandly led the Radzyn Chassidism which was one of the most important Chassidic courts in Poland. During the Holocaust, the Nazis relentlessly pursued him until he had to surrender, while wrapped in the kittel and holy tallit of his grandfather, Rebbe Gershon Chanoch, Ba'al HaTechelet. He and all his family and descendants perished in the Holocaust. Official stationery, 27.5 cm. Written in the handwriting of his scribe, the last line with his own signature. Fair condition, tears and acidic tape marks. This letter was printed in the compilation of Tiferet Radzyn, Booklet 2, Av 1972. From there it was copied in the book Torah HaChassidut, Part 4, pp. 20-12. See enclosed material.