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Lot 318

Archive of Manuscripts, Letters and Documents – Rabbi Meir Yehoshua Rosenberg, Author of Kur HaMivchan – USA

Archive of Rabbi Meir Yehoshua Rosenberg. [USA, 1930s]. The archive is composed of handwritten leaves and pamphlets, sermons, eulogies and Hadranim (upon completing a tractate), novellae, articles and various inscriptions (including writings concerning the Mizrachi movement in the US. On one leaf is "A report of the 1929 Mizrachi Committee in Pittsburg", etc.); a notebook of Torah novellae, documents and letters by rabbis, various personages and institutes (on the reverse side of some letters, Rabbi Rosenberg wrote Torah thoughts); Hebrew, Yiddish and English. Rabbi Meir Yehoshua Rosenberg (1885-1941), son of Rabbi Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg (author of Yadot Nedarim). Student of the Volozhin Yeshiva. A rabbi of the Mizrachi movement in Europe. Immigrated to the USA and served in the rabbinate of Holyoke and Springfield, Massachusetts; Long Branch and Plainfield, New Jersey and Hartford Connecticut. One of the heads of the Agudat Rabbanim in the US and in Canada. He authored Kur HaMivchan on the laws of Yoreh Deah among other works. More than 250 leaves. Size and condition vary. Overall condition: fair.