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Lot 314

Seder Chalukat Limud HaShas – With Signatures of Rabbi Wosner

Two handwritten leaves, charts splitting the study of the six Sidrei Mishnah, before the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Shimon HaLevi, Av Beit Din of Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony). With many signatures. [Jerusalem, 1940s]. Among the signatures: Rabbi "Shmuel HaLevi Wosner," (3 signatures, for studying 6 tractates); Rabbi "Yitzhak Zvi Bernfeld"; and dozens of other signatures of Hungarian and Austrian immigrants to Jerusalem [who made Aliya during c. 1938-1940]. Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar, Av Beit Din of Lackenbach, committed, by signing the document, to learn the last four tractates of Seder Taharot. Rabbi Moshe Shimon HaLevi (1861-1940), a leading rabbi in Austro-Hungary served as Av Beit Din of Frauenkirchen for almost five decades. In 1939, he immigrated to Jerusalem, a year before his death, on the 6th of Iyar, 1940. This is a leaf with the distribution of the study of the Mishnah in his memory among his disciples and admirers in the 1940s [apparently between 1941 and 1947, before Rabbi Wosner moved to Bnei Brak]. 2 leaves [one folded sheet], 29 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and tears to margins.