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Lot 281

Letter by Rabbi Avraham Duber Kahane Shapira Av Beit Din of Kovno – Concerning the Yavne Chain of Schools in Lithuania

A long letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Avraham Duber Kahane Shapira, Av Beit Din of Kovno. Baden near Vienna, Tamuz 1937. Sent to Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, at that time Av Beit Din of Liverpool (England), with a detailed report of the Charedi Yavne chain of schools, high schools and seminaries, founded by leading Lithuanian rabbis after World War I. Rabbi Avraham Duber Kahane Shapira (1871-1943, author of Dvar Avraham, an eminent rabbi in his times, son of Rabbi Zalman Sender Kahane Shapira and son-in-law of the "Minsk Gadol", Rabbi Yerucham Yehuda Leib Perlman was a disciple of the Volozhin Yeshiva. Served in the Smilavichy and Kovno rabbinate. His scholarly book Dvar Avraham, the first part of which was first printed in 1906, made him famous and already in his times, leading rabbis debated its content. He was renowned as a prominent leader of Jewry and of the Agudat Rabbanim in Lithuania; in 1924 traveled to the USA on the famed rabbis’ journey together with the Kli Chemda, Rabbi A.Y. Kook and Rabbi M.M. Epstein. At the outbreak of the Holocaust, he was on a visit to Switzerland but returned to Kovno saying that a captain does not abandon his ship during a storm. He died in the Kovno Ghetto and thousands of Jews attended his funeral. Official stationery, 30 cm. [2] written pages, 25 handwritten lines. Good condition, creases and folding marks.