Lot 190
Collection of Ancient Manuscript Leaf Fragments – Yemen, 14th-16th Centuries and Other Times
Collection of manuscript leaf fragments removed from the "Binding Geniza", including especially ancient leaves. [Yemen, 14th, 15th and 16th centuries and other times]. The collection contains: fragments from the Book of Melachim, vowelized and with Targum; fragment from the Taj with Targum (Shemot); fragment from the Haftara of Parshat Zachor and Para, with Targum; fragment from the Haftara of Ki Tisa, with Targum; fragment from Bereshit, with Targum; fragment from Devarim, with Targum; six fragments from the Torah with Mesorah; fragment from the Book of Yehoshua, with Aramaic Targum; leaf fragments of Vayikra, some vowelized and with the Mesorah; fragments from the Haftara of Chukat and Balak, with Mesorah; three fragments from Shemot and a fragment from Bamidbar, vowelized and with Mesorah; five leaf fragments of Selichot for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Some fragments have Babylonian nikud (Nikud Elyon). Approximately 30 leaves and leaf remnants. Size and condition vary, various damages sustained from removal from binding.