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Lot 36

Halachic Responsum by the Author of the Chatam Sofer – With Two of His Signatures

Halachic responsum on the laws of mikvaot, by Rabbi Moshe Sofer Av Beit Din of Pressburg, author of Chatam Sofer [Pressburg, 1829].
Responsum from 1829, sent to Rabbi David Zvi Levinger Av Beit Din of Madier [who received semicha from the Chatam Sofer]. Written at the beginning of the responsum: "Copy of the responsum by the Gaon. Morning of the 13th of Shevat 1829".
The responsum was copied in the handwriting of a disciple and after the words "And I sign with my blessing" appears the signature of the Chatam Sofer in his own handwriting: "Moshe Sofer of Frankfurt am Main". After that, the copier wrote "Later the Gaon added these words – and it is fitting to fill in wicker baskets, etc.", and to this addition the Chatam Sofer added another signature in his own handwriting: "HaK' Moshe above".
This page is from the notebook of responsa of the Chatam Sofer partially written by the Chatam Sofer and partly by copiers. This responsum has a unique quality: After the Chatam Sofer reviewed the copy the first time and signed his approval, he added another halachic ruling to the original letter and again gave it to his disciple to copy into the notebook of responsa and then the Chatam Sofer signed the copy again to approve the addition. This phenomenon of a double signature in one letter is rare in the writings of the Chatam Sofer.
2 leaves, 20X24.3 cm. Very good condition. Adhesive tape and slight restoration at the margins of the leaves (at the connection to the binding), with damage to the ending of words on the fourth page. Some creases. Bound in an elaborate leather binding.
Enclosed is an expert’s authorization that the signatures are definitely in the handwriting of the Chatam Sofer. He also notes slight variations from the printed responsum [Yoreh Deah, Siman 213] printed according to this manuscript. Places that are problematic in the printed version are difficult to read in this manuscript. Careful reading of this manuscript can correct the wording of the responsum and render it exactly as written by the Chatam Sofer with no need for doubts and conjecture.