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Lot 30

Zohar Bereshit, Mantua 1558 – Important Glosses and Signatures, Damascus and Yemen – Glosses of Rabbi Aharon HaCohen Araki, Rabbi of the Maharitz

Zohar, by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Part 1, Bereshit. [Mantua, 1558]. First printing of the Zohar, after rabbis removed the ban on its printing, which lasted for the first 90 years of Hebrew printing.
Ancient signatures of Damascus sages: "Shalom Diwan HaLevi, 1563, Damascus", "Shalom ben Yo[sef] Chaim of the Levi family". Ancient stamps of Rabbi Shalom Diwan HaLevi of Damascus. More signatures in Oriental and Yemenite handwriting: "Daniel ---", Rabbi "Yichye ebn Yuda Alkapach", etc.
Dozens of long glosses and hundreds of short corrections and glosses in Yemenite handwriting and additional writings from Damascus (Oriental writing) and from Yemen (cursive writing).
On the first page is an inscription signed by Rabbi Aharon Araki (similar to the handwriting of most glosses in this book), describing the content of his glosses: "Aharon the son of my father Shlomo [Birav Yosef HaCohen] Araki. After seeing the benefit of the commentary by R' Avraham Azulai in his book Zoharei Chama and also his book of glosses Or Nogah, I thought that this is the time to remove any obstructions by (the presence) of errors as much as possible. G-d should show me the wonders of his Torah and place me among those who fear His Name, Amen".
Rabbi Aharon son of Rabbi Shlomo Araki, a Torah sage and Kabbalist a foremost Yemenite scholar who lived in the 17th-18th centuries. His brother was Dayan Rabbi Pinchas son of R' Shlomo Araki, who opposed changing Sana customs. [In spite of his many activities and his greatness in Kabbalistic wisdom, Rabbi Aharon Araki sided with the rabbis who supported the preservation of early Yemenite customs at the time they began to succumb to changes according to the customs of the Ari HaKadosh].
Rabbi Shlomo Araki's teachings are mentioned several times in the writings of his disciple Rabbi Yichya Tzalach – the Maharitz, who quotes him in his books with the title "Our teacher, R' Aharon HaCohen Araki" (the Etz Chaim siddur, Part 1, Leaf 29); "…and so I have seen in the manuscript of the [Torah] Gaon of the previous generation R' Aharon son of R' Shlomo Araki in his Pesach issue" (Etz Chaim siddur, Part 2, Leaf 8); etc.
The Maharitz also mentions the glosses by Rabbi Aharon Araki on the Zohar in his Pe'ulat Tsaddik responsa (Part 3, Siman 174) on the topic of a festival which falls on Motzaei Shabbat as follows: "And I have found in the Zohar in the handwriting of R’ Aharon son of R’ Shlomo Araki in the name of Rabbi S. Alkabetz HaLevi… Until here are the things we found in the edition of the Zohar in the handwriting of Rabbi Aharon HaCohen Araki Ibn R’ Shlomo”.
Offered here is one part of the Zohar, with glosses handwritten by Rabbi Aharon HaCohen Araki. These glosses are mentioned in the Peulat Tsaddik responsa by the prominent Yemenite Torah sage, the Maharitz, who lived in the following generation and was a disciple of Rabbi Aharon Araki.
[7], 251 leaves (missing title page). 21 cm. Fair condition, worming and wear, stains and detached leaves. Many leaves have page markers (stickers), which are difficult to remove. Yemenite fabric and leather binding, damaged.
On the inner side of the front cover is a handwritten copy “from an early issue word by word without additions or omissions”, of an amazing letter by Rabbi Yosef ben Galil [a Fez Torah sage from the 13th century, during the time of the Rashba], with the story of a dream and poem revealed to him in a dream by the Rambam. (See enclosed material).