Lot 29
Manuscript, Midrash HaGadol – Yemen, 14th/15th Century
Manuscript, Midrash HaGadol, on Vayikra by Rabbi David son of Amram HaEdni. [Yemen, end of 14th century or beginning of 15th century].
Thick volume, ancient Yemenite writing. Two columns per page.
Contains most of the text of Midrash HaGadol on Vayikra. Several leaves missing at the beginning and end. Some leaves are bound out of order and apparently a number of leaves are missing in the middle of the book as well.
Ancient marginalia, with explanation of difficult words in Hebrew or Arabic, evidently copied from Sefer HaMargalit – an early commentary on Midrash HaGadol.
Midrash HaGadol is an ancient midrashic composition on the Torah, compiled by Rabbi David son of Amram HaEdni from Eden in Yemen who lived in the time of the Rishonim, in the first half of the 14th century. The composition is based on many sources of Chazal and the Ge'onim, including works that were subsequently lost or which only partially survived, such as the Mechilta, the Sifra [Torat Cohanim], and other early Midrashim. Some of the Midrashim are not found in any other source. At the beginning of each parasha is a piyyut – “Reshut”, in a poetic style, written by the author. Midrash HaGadol was very common among Yemenite Jews and was studied by Yemenite Torah scholars and several commentaries were written on its contents.
[209] leaves. 25.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, tears and worming. Ancient leather binding.
Enclosed is the expert opinion of Mr. Binyamin Richler, former director of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts of the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem.