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Lot 8

Illustrated Ketubah – Calcutta, 1921

Ketubah recording the marriage of Elya Meir son of Moshe Yosef Bachar with the bride Lulu daughter of Moshe Avraham Chacham Ovadia HaLevi. Calcutta, India, 17th of Elul 1921.
Thick paper, gouache, ink.
Ketubah of the Baghdadi community in Calcutta. Framed by drawings of leaves and flowers (lotus flowers), peacocks and parrots, in vivid colors. At the top are two tigers holding a medallion with the Hebrew initials בהנו"א [B'Shem Hashem Na'aseh V'Natzliach]. At the upper part of the Ketubah are two architectural frames enclosing the opening: "B'Shem Rachman Yitbarach Shemo…". Two silver fish, swimming one towards another, are drawn on the strip dividing the blessings and the text of the ketubah. Apparently the fish symbolize fertility and protection from ayin hara.
The text of the ketubah is written in a separate column in the center of the bottom part with the witnesses' signatures.
38X55 cm. Good condition. Few stains. Tear at the upper part. Restored tear at the bottom.
For information about ketubot of the Baghdadi community in India see: Shalom Sabar, "HaKetubah HaMetzuyeret" in the book "Yehudei Hodu", the Israel Museum, 1995.