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Lot 242

Manuscript, Homiletics for Festivals and Shabbat – Unidentified Author – Lithuanian Torah Sage, 19th Century – With Mention of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant

Manuscript, homiletics for the Festivals and Shabbat and on Pirkei Avot. (Unidentified) author's autographic writing, Lithuanian Torah scholar, [written throughout various times, end of 19th century].
Homiletics in mussar, explanation of Aggadot Chazal and few halachic topics, according to the teachings of the Vilna Gaon. the content displays the outstanding Torah knowledge of the writer who was obviously familiar with Kabbalistic matters and apparently served in the rabbinate. He mentions things heard from Rabbi Yisrael of Salant (Rabbi Salant died in 1883; this manuscript was written before his death) and from Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin [referring to a book printed in 1859], and in the name of “the famous speaker – R’ Moshe Yitzchak of blessed memory” [the Magid of Kelm, died in 1899, but the words “R’ Moshe Yitzchak of blessed memory” were written between the lines].
Approximately 235 written pages, 21.5 cm. Fair condition, wear and stains, worming, detached leaves, unbound.