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Lot 240

Collection of Fragments of Ancient Handwritten and Printed Leaves

Collection of fragments of ancient leaves removed from the "Binding Geniza" (Hebrew manuscripts that were reused as bookbindings), including remnants of ancient manuscripts [13th-15th centuries] and remnants of incunabula.
Some of the leaves have not yet been separated from the bindings.
· Vellum manuscript fragments from the book Ra’aviya. [Ashkenaz, 13th/14th century?].
· Manuscript fragments “Rashba Responsa Attributed to the Ramban”. [Sephardic writing, 14th/15th century?].
· Ancient manuscript fragments, Radak commentary on the book of Yeshayahu. [Sephardic writing].
· Manuscript fragment, Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat Tractate [ancient Oriental writing, 13th/14th century?].
· Large compilation of leaf fragments in Yemenite writing, including passages of ancient Taj books [vellum and paper]. Mishne Torah L’HaRambam, Tichlal and other compositions.
· Leaf fragments - incunabula: Sefer Mitzvot Gadol – Samag. Rome, earlier than 1440; Tur Orach Chaim. Naples, 1450; Sefer Chovat HaLevavot. Naples, 1450; etc.
Approximately 40 leaves, varied size and damage condition.