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Lot 86

Shoshanat Ha'Amakim – Copy of Rebbe Yosef Av Beit Din of Iasi and his son Rebbe Matityahu Landau

Shoshanat Ha'Amakim, by Rabbi Yosef Te'omim, author of Pri Megadim. Lemberg, 1837. Printed by Chaya, widow of Rabbi Naftali Hertz Groishman.
On the title page is the signature of "Matityahu son of Rabbi Yosef Av Beit Din of Iasi" and an inscription in the same handwriting "Yosef" [i.e. the son wrote that the book belongs to his father, the Av Beit Din of Iasi].
Rebbe Yosef Landau Av Beit Din of Iasi, author of Birkat Yosef (1791-1854), a leading Chassidic leader. Disciple of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv, Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, Rabbi Baruch of Medzhibozh and the Rebbe of Apta.
His son Rabbi Matityahu Landau (1837-1917), a Ruzhin Chassid was renowned from a young age as an outstanding Torah scholar and exchanged halachic correspondence with leading Galician rabbis: the author of Sho’el U’Meshiv, Rabbi Shalom Toibesh, Rabbi Shlomo Kluger and Rabbi Mordechai Ze’ev Ittinger. He served in the rabbinate of several Romanian cities: Lespezi, Făget and Podul-Turcului. Author of Toldot Yosef, a biography of his father and Tosefet Shem on the book Shem Olam on the subject of names for Gittin.
50 leaves. 23 cm. Fair condition, stains and wear. Leaves trimmed on margins of text. Old binding.