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Lot 47

Tobacco Box – Dedication to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer Av Beit-Din of Frankfurt

Tobacco snuff box. [Eretz Israel, early 20th century].
Carved horn.
Presented to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer, an Eretz Israeli Jew. Carved on the box's lid is the shape of the Western Wall, a common design on Eretz Israeli tobacco boxes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries (this box is unique in being made of carved horn). On the lower part appears an engraved dedication in fine, white painted, letters: "Gift to…Rabbi Shlomo Zalamn Breuer…".
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer (1850-1926, Otzar 18743), one of the leaders of West European Orthodox Jewry; son in law and follower of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. Grandson of Rabbi Shimon Wiener [disciple of Maharam Benet and first disciple of the Hatam Sofer in Hungary]. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer was born in Hungary and studied in the Pressburg Yeshiva, headed by the Ktav Sofer. Served as the Rabbi of Pápa and later as the Haredi rabbi of Frankfurt (succeeding his father-in-law); was head of the Breuer family. Member of first forum of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah of Agudat Israel.
Height: 2.5 cm, length: 8.5 cm, width: 3.5 cm. Good condition. Tobacco remnants.