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Lot 220

Documents from the Beit Din for Releasing Agunot in Hungary

Collection of printed documents from a Beit Din established in "The Central Bureau of Orthodox Communities of Hungary" after the holocaust, especially for the purpose of releasing agunot. Important documentation of Nazi treachery during the war, and of re-building of Jewish families after the war.
1. Marriage Permission for men whose wives were lost without a trace in Auschwitz. Budapest, [November 1945]. Stencil printing.
Beit Din was made up of following rabbis: Rabbi Elazar Shapira, Rabbi Yehoshua Gruenwald, Rabbi Israel Weltz, Rabbi Asher Ba'abad, and Rabbi Ya'akov Segal Leibovich.
2. Form for documenting testimonies. With various details for finding traces of Jews lost in Auschwitz.
3. Form for stating acceptance of the Beit Din's authority. For man requesting marriage permission. [Budapest], 1946. Gewirtz Printing.
4. Ktav Heiter form regarding death of a wife. [Budapest], 1946. Gewirtz Printing.
The four items are all in good condition; of various sizes.