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Lot 169

Menachem Begin - Three Letters to Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo

Menachem Begin, three letters to Shalom Dov [Dover] Wolpo. Jerusalem, 1973-1982.
Printed on official stationery of the Prime Minister and the Knesset, signed by Begin.
Responses to letters dealing with politics and policy, sent to Begin by Rabbi Shalom Dover Wolpo, head of Machon HaRambam HaShalem, chairman of "Eretz Israel Shelanu" movement, head of "HaMateh HaOlami leHatzalat Ha'am VeHa'aretz" and activist supporting "Greater Eretz Israel". In a letter dated March 1982 Begin writes: "We shall not allow, under any condition, the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Jerusalem is forever one city, the capital of Israel, and is not dividable, directly or indirectly…" 3 letters, ca. 21 cm. Condition varies (tears at margins of one of the letters; filing holes on all of the letters).