Lot 138
Menachem Ussishkin - Handwritten Letter Concerning the Zionist Congress and Eretz Israel - Yekaterinoslav, 1904
Menachem Ussishkin, handwritten letter, addressed to Iliya Abramovitch [Eliyahu Berligne]. Written on official stationery ("Michael Moiseyevich Ussishkin, Engineer-Technologist"). Yekaterinoslav (Ukraine), November 1904. Russian.
Interesting letter about acquisition of lands in Eretz Israel and preparations for the seventh Zionist Congress. Ussishkin mentions, in the beginning of the letter, a company which the addressee, Eliyahu Berligne, intends to found, [most probably "Atid" Investment company which he founded in 1905 to develop industry in Eretz Israel]: "I am glad [to hear] of the progress in founding of your company. I am sorry that I cannot buy a share. Times are difficult, and Zionism costs me very much anyway. Apart from that, I save money to buy a piece of land…" Ussishkin also advises Berligne about purchase of lands and mentions "Menucha VeNachala" settlement company and several of its members.
Finally Ussishkin mentions the future Zionist Congress (Seventh Zionist Congress) and invites Berligne to a secret meeting which he plans to hold before the congress: "On the 22nd of the month (Russian date) in a meeting, it was decided about the congress (date and place). Preferably in July, but the question is when the Casino is available - they definitely want Basel…now top secret. I hope you will not tell anybody…I (without my superiors' knowledge) organize on January 1…a meeting of a small group of Zionists from Palestine to strengthen the connections and as a preparation for the elections in the next congress - for us to be united. I invite you to come…".
The addressee, Eliyahu [Iliya] Berligne (1886-1959), industrialist and Zionist activist, served as a member of the Provisional State Council, and was later a signatory of the Scroll of Independence.
Berligne, born in Mogilev, established a wood factory and was involved in construction for the Russian government. Later on he was a member of the Duma (Russian Parliament). Was a member of “Hovevei Zion” and participated in the first Zionist Congresses. He visited Eretz Israel in 1905, and upon his return to Russia founded “Atid” - an investment company for development of industry in Eretz Israel. Berligne moved to Eretz Israel in 1907 and settled in Jaffa. In Eretz Israel he established olive oil and soap factories, was involved in development of agriculture, and took an active part in the organization of Yishuv institutes. Was a member of Vaad HaKehilah, chairman of the executive committee of “Herzlia” gymnasium, and first director of Bank Hapo’alim. (for additional information about him see: “From Galabiya to Kova Tembel, story of a family”, Aharon Shlush. Tel-Aviv, 1989).
[4] written pages, 22 cm (page folded into two). Good condition. Central folding mark and creases. Minor damages. On first page - JNF stamp with a Star of David and the word “Zion”.