Lot 470
Poems and Prayers Li’Shlom Malchut
Printed poems and prayers "for the well-being of the monarchy" from different countries:
• “Nell' occasione di manifestare l'Università' degli Ebrei di Mantova il loro cordoglio per la seguita morte di… Maria Teresa”. A lamentation on the demise of Maria Teresa. Mantua, 1781. Hebrew and Italian. • “Mizmor Le'Todah – Sound of Joy and Salvation in the Tents of Israel – on the occasion of the deliverance of Tsar Alexander II from an assassination attempt”, by Avraham Ber Gotlover. Zhitomir, 1866. • “Rinah U'Tfilla”, prayer in honor of the "Mother Queen" in Holland – Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont. Amsterdam, 1904. • “Todah Ve'Kol Zimra”, prayer for the 60th anniversary of the monarchy of Queen Victoria. London, 1897. • “Todah Ve'Kol Zimra”, prayer for the 25th anniversary of the monarchy of King George V. London, 1935.
5 items, varied size and condition.