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Lot 295

Collection of Torah Manuscripts

Collection of Torah manuscripts by varied writers:
• Manuscript of responsa on topics of Even HaEzer, handwritten by Rabbi Baruch Asher Perles (disciple of the Chatam Sofer. Dayan in Baja, Hungary), includes a copy of a letter of responsum concerning an Agunah which Rabbi Baruch Asher received in 1854 from Rabbi "Mordechai Ze'ev Segal Ettinger author of Mefarshei HaYam and Magen Giborim and the Ma'amar Mordechai Responsa" of Lvov. (Approximately 5 written pages). • Copy of a letter of responsum on the topic of Terefot, "Manuscript of Rabbi Reuven, Av Bet Din of Deneburg (Dvinsk)" (5 written pages, printed with slight variations in his book Rosh Le'Reuveni, pp. 87-89). • Manuscript of Torah novellae by Rabbi Nissan Ovadya Rosinson, Rabbi in Kovne, On a binding leaf, with the stamp of his son Rabbi "Yisrael Shlomo ben Rabbi Nissan Ovadya Rosinson Rabbi of Kovne". • Manuscript of Torah novellae, on a binding leaf with the stamp of Rabbi "Elazar ben Rabbi Meir Sefal Lazeros, rabbi of the Memel community and its environs".
4 items, varied size, good to good-fair condition.