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Ornamented Manuscript on Parchment – Prayers and Blessings Recited upon Reading the Torah - Eiwanowitz, 18th Century - Unique Versions, Including Prayer Arranged by Maharal of Prague

Manuscript on parchment, prayers and blessings recited during the reading of Torah. (Eiwanowitz, Moravia; presently: Ivanovice na Hane, Czecoslovakia), [first half of 18th century].
Square (scribe) writing and semi-cursive Ashkenazi writing (similar to Tzena Urena letters). At the head of paragraphs - ornamentations and illustrations of floral, bird and other designs.
On margins of page [9] colophon by the author: “written by Yosef son of our mentor and Rabbi Hillel Shm[uel?] scribe of holy congregation of Eiwanowitz”. On margin of page [4] ancient owner signature: “Yehudah Leib son of my beloved father Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik”. Manuscript includes prayers recited on Shabbat, after Torah reading in synagogue preceding Mussaf prayer. At head of manuscript (pages 1-2) two prayers - Yekum Purkan, and Mi Sheberach for the congregation which are recited afterwards, and following it Birkat Rosh Chodesh (concise version, without Yehi Ratzon which was added at a later time).
On page [3] Mi Sheberach prayer for those undertaking to fast on Monday and Thursday (unfamiliar version), and a special prayer for the praised Roman Caesar (Caralis)… “ [apparently in reference to Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor, who died in 1740].
On pages [4-6]: order of change of name for sick [Metzalin Anachnu and Yehi Ratzon recited after change of name]. Mi Sheberach blessing for sick [He who blessed Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov… and first righteous people and He who cured Miriam the Prophetess from her leprosy and sweetened the waters of Mara through Moshe Rabbeinu and healed the waters of Jericho and healed Chizkiah King of Yehudah of his illness and the righteous Binyamin of his illness…” – similar version brought from Gramiza pamphlet , by Frumkin, in Seder Rav Amram Ga’on, Jerusalem 1911. See attached material]; blessing for woman in confinement [unfamiliar version, similar in style to that of Frumkin].
On page [7]: prayer “of our mentor and rabbi Rabbi Leib of Prague for Monday and Thursday” – prayer for protection from informers, “May he… uproot and eradicate… the informers who injure the Jewish people with their tongues and destroy the status of the congregations and distress their brothers to bring about their defeat…”. [This prayer is cited in the book of regulations of the state of Mehrin named after the Maharal of Prague, and was preserved, with changes, in the synagogue registry in the congregation of Krezmir. It was customary to recite it in the congregations of Eisenstadt, where it was attributed to author of the Panim Me’irot. See attached material].
On page [8]: prayers Yehi Ratzon Milifnei Avinu Shebashamayim for Monday and Thursday, and prayer Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael, and on page [9] Av Harachaman prayer for martyrs. Addition on last page [10]: wording for Eiruv Tavshilin, apparently by different writer (with first word in decorative writing).
5 parchment leaves, 10 written pages. 27 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear, several tears. New binding.
Enclosed; A letter by Prof. Gershom Scholem (in English) regarding prayer for downfall of informers included in this manuscript.