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Lot 267

Mishne Torah L'HaRambam - Large Collection of Manuscript Leaf Remnants - Yemen, 14th-17th Centuries

Mishne Torah L'HaRambam – Large collection of ancient manuscript fragments, removed from the "Binding Geniza". [Yemen].
Contains fragments of various manuscripts (nine or more), some from the 14th-15th centuries, and some from later times [16th-17th centuries ?].
fragments from: The laws of prayer, the laws of Shabbat, Succah, Zechiya and Matana, Shluchin and Shutafin, Sanhedrin, Edut, Sotah and Metamei Mishkav and Moshav. Another fragment from a Judeo-Arabic commentary on Mishne Torah.
More than 30 leaves and leaf fragments. Varied size. Varying conditions of damage sustained by use in binding.