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Lot 49

Vayikra with the Chida's Commentary - R. Yisrael Back's Printing Press - Safed, 1833

Vayikra, Third of the Five Books of the Torah, with Haftarot, Rashi commentary, Ba'al HaTurim and Siftei Chachamim, and with the Chida's commentary “Nachal Kedumim” on the Torah and “Nachal Sorek” on the haftarot. Safed, [1833]. Printed by Rabbi Yisrael Back of Berdychiv.
Some of the words on the title page are printed in red ink. This copy is missing "Shir HaShirim".
This is the second or third book printed by Rabbi Yisrael Back in Safed. The other volumes of this chumash are unknown, and possibly only the volume of Vayikra was printed. Simultaneously, Back printed another edition without the Chida's commentary. [About this edition see: M. Benayahu, ”Bet Defuso shel R. Yisrael Back Be'Tzfat”, Areshet, Vol. 4, pages 277-278; see also: Y. Yudlov, Ginzei Yisrael, Jerusalem 1985, page 30, no. 58, for details on another edition printed in Safed at the same time].
Signature on the title page: “Ezra Davich HaCohen…” [The Davich family, descending from the lineage of Cohanim in Aleppo, included numerous great Torah scholars, rabbis and teachers].
125 leaves (instead of 137 leaves, without “Shir HaShirim”). 20 cm. Good condition. Stains, worm damage. Ink writing around the book’s title and place of printing. New binding.