Lot 46
Five Printed Booklets - Jerusalem Associations - Signatures
• Society for Extending the Settlement of Knesset Yisrael", printed booklet, membership certificate with the regulations of the society "Established to build housing with convenient payments". Jerusalem, 1891. Two copies, one completed by hand for the member "R' Eliyahu Honig", and the second for the member "R' Yeshaya ben Rabbi Yeshaya of Mezritch". At the end of the notebooks are signatures of the gaba'im Rabbi Yosef Rivlin and Rabbi Nissim Elyashar.
• "Copy of the large notebook, of Linat Tzedek and Bikur Cholim", a printed booklet, regulations of the society established "by the Chassidim of the Beit Midrash Ohel Yitzchak affiliated with Kollel Ungarin". Jerusalem, [1897]. Two copies. At the end of one copy are signatures and stamps of the society members.
• Regulations of the committee of the Jerusalem Ashkenazi community. Ha'Ivri printing press, [Jerusalem, 1920s?]. (Unopened at printing). Not recorded in the Bibliography Institute.
5 printed notebooks, varied size and condition.