Lot 185
Mira Avrech – Archive of Letters, 1960-2001
About 50 notes and letters sent to Mira Avrech by politicians and cultural figures. Israel, 1960-2001.
Mira Avrech (1925-2013) was a journalist, author of the popular gossip column "Miri Avrech tells about men and women" in "Yediot Achronot" paper. Her writing was said to be fair and not offensive. Among her close friends were Pola and David Ben-Gurion, ambassadors and diplomats, as well as high officials and generals, who were often her guests.
Among the documents: two notes from David Ben-Gurion (hand written, signed, from 1968 and 1970, with adhesive tape). Letters from Abba Eban, Moshe Dayan, Haim and Ora Herzog, Eli Wallach, Marcel Marceau (handwritten personal letters, signed), Yael Dayan (personal letters from the early 1960s), Josephine Baker, Charles Aznavour, Teddy Kollek (about the opening of the Israel Museum), greeting from Ezer and Reuma Weizmann from 2001, a printed and hand signed letter from Eleanor Roosevelt, a printed and hand signed letter from Jehan Sadat, and more.
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