Lot 91
Studies of the Middle Eastern Geography and Zoology – Leiden, 1692 – Maps and Engravings
Samuelis Bocharti Opera Omnia, Hoc Est Phaleg, Canaan, Et Hierozoicon. Works of Samuel Bochart. Leiden: Cornelium Boutesteyn & Jordanum Luchtmans. Lugduni Batavorum, 1692. Latin, some Hebrew, Arabic and Greek.
Particularly thick volume, consisting of two of the most important studies by the French theologist Samuel Bochart:
• A study of the geography of the Middle East and the Mediterranean basin, accompanied by thirteen maps (engravings) with Hebrew inscriptions, some maps are double-spread, including maps of: Paradise, Middle East, Syria and Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mediterranean basin lands, Greece, islands of Kos and Chios, Italy and Africa, Sicily, Spain, and more; an additional engraving – author's portrait.
• Hierozoicon, sive bipertitum opus de animalibus S. Scripturae. Two volumes (separate title pages). A comprehensive encyclopedic study of the animals in the Middle East, based on the bible and the holy scriptures. Several illustrations within the text.
A title page (engraving) opens the volume – illustration of Adam in Paradise, naming the animals (above them – a biblical figure on the background of the Tower of Babel).
[14] pp, 1312 columns, [60]; [6] pp, 1094 columns, 91 pp, [2] pp, 888 columns, 79 pp. 38 cm. Original parchment binding. Good condition. Damages to binding. Spotting.