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Lot 367

Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat – Mantua, 1722-1723 – Two Volumes, Especially Wide Margins

Shulchan Aruch with the Rama's glosses. With the commentary of Rabbi Gur Aryeh HaLevi Pintzi. Two volumes. Yoreh Deah – Mantua, [1722]. Choshen Mishpat [1723].
Both volumes have especially wide margins, which were not cut during the printing process.
Yoreh De'ah: [1], 148-288 leaves. Volume of Choshen Mishpat: [1], 90-268, [1] leaves. Approximately 29 cm. Fair condition. Most of the leaves are clean and white, several leaves have stains. Many worm damages. Original leather binding (damages and wear), with clasps.