Lot 324
Maharam of Rottenberg Responsa, Prague 1608 – Signatures and Glosses, Algeria
Maharam of Rottenberg Responsa. Prague, 1608. [Printed by Moshe ben Yosef Bezalel Katz]. Illustrated title page, introduction by the publisher, Rabbi Yitzchak HaCohen son-in-law of the Maharal of Prague.
Owner's signature: "I have acquired this with my money to fill my longing (pun in Hebrew), Se'adya Zorafa". Many glosses in Oriental handwriting, mostly comparisons and changes to the Maharam's responsa printed in the Rashba responsa. Some glosses are signed by their writer "Moshe Sivon".
Rabbi Se'adya Zorafa, one of the leading Algeria Torah scholars of the 16/17 century, dayan, author of responsa, Mekubal who conducted himself in piety. In 1622, he copied the Rashbash responsa and at the end he listed his family's genealogy tracing their lineage to the Spanish expulsion and to the disciples of our Rishonim. He wrote many well-known piyutim. He died in 1635 "when beseeching G-d for water" during a drought. His grandson is Rabbi Chaim David Shlomo Zorafa, disciple of the Chida, author of Shema Shlomo.
Rabbi Moshe Sivon (1806-1888), a leading Torah scholar in Vehran, Algeria in the 19th century. A Torah scholar, mekubal and book collector. He was renowned for the sharp polemic he led against the book Zevach Shelamim by Rabbi Avraham Ankava who criticized the words of the Rishonim.
2, 5-114 leaves. 28.5 cm. Dark paper, fair condition, worm damages, spotting and wear. Semi-leather binding, old.