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Lot 231

A Collection of Letters and Documents from the Archive of Rabbi Ben-Zion Rachelson

Letter, Torah novellae, documents and Ketubot (some have writings of Torah novellae), from the archive of Rabbi Ben-Zion Rachelson, Rabbi of the lower Haifa area.
Letters of Torah ideas, matters of kashrut and of ethics. Words which Rabbi Rachelson wrote to Rabbi Aharon Kotler, Rabbi Zelig Re'uven Bengis, Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky (regarding the measures of mitzvoth), drafts of articles which Rabbi Rachelson wrote to newspapers during the polemic of the "measures (shi'urin)" of the Chazon Ish and the Steipler with Rabbi Chaim Na'eh. Various letters from rabbis and individuals concerning matters of charity, gemilut chassadim, etc.
Rabbi Ben-Zion Rachelson (1881-1963), was a disciple of the Or Sameach and of the Chafetz Chaim [in his youth, he participated in the editing of the Mishne Brura. The Chafetz Chaim corrected several things according to Rabbi Rachelson's comments]. Rabbi Rachelson taught Torah in Frankfurt am Main in the yeshiva of Rabbi Moshe Shneider. In 1935, he ascended to Eretz Israel and for 24 years served in the rabbinate of the city of Haifa. He was very active in matters of kashrut and Halacha and corresponded on these matters with the greatest rabbis of his times (see Dovev Mesharim response, Minchat Yitzchak, etc.) and he published many articles of Torah novellae and on halachic topics in Torah journals. He was well known for his many charitable deeds and most of his monthly salary was distributed to charity and for funding activities for reinforcing Shabbat observance in Haifa.
Approximately 36 paper items, varied size and condition.