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Lot 187

Collection of Rebbes' Letters

Collection of letters and invitations with handwritten inscriptions, by rabbis and rebbes, recent times. [Eretz Israel and the US, 20/21 century].
Letters from the following rebbes: Rabbi Chanoch of Sochaczew, Rabbi Alter Kahana of Zhydachiv-Spinka, Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Meir Hager of Vishnitz, Ya'akov Moskowitz of Suceava, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Leifer of Nadvorna, Rabbi Moshe Elyakim Beria Cahana of Spinka, Rabbi Ya'akov Meir Shechter a leader of Breslev Chassidism. And the Rebbes of Makov, Komarno, Narol, Neustadt etc.
Attached is a memorial booklet (photos from the HaModia newspaper) which was printed after the death of the Gerrer Rebbe author of Beit Yisrael, in 1977.
16 items, including 14 letters and signed invitations.