Lot 102
Kabbalist-Philosophical Manuscript, Illustrations and Messianic Calculations – 18th Century
Manuscript – homiletics and articles, remazim and calculations, philosophy and Kabbalah. Ashkenazi writing, [second half of 18th century and beginning of 19th century].
Large collection of leaves bound together, addressed to "Shmuel ben Rabbi Yechezkel Cohen", hinting to his name in various ways on some of the leaves [with the date of writing (in gematriya). The leaves were written c. 1760-1820 and are composed of homiletics and ideas on the Torah and Aggadot Chazal, Kabbalah and philosophy with a commentary on Chad Gadya. The writer deals with the ideas of the early philosophers (such as the Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim, the author of the Akeda etc.) and he integrates discussions and various calculations of Kabalistic Sefirot, the seven Heavens, the Holy Chayot, the 12 constellations, etc. into the work. Some leaves have illustrations, the ten sefirot, the Merkava etc. Several leaves repeat themselves. The Messianic awareness of the writer is pronounced in several places and he also deals with calculations of the Messiah and hints to his knowledge of its secrets and to his hiding this revelation. The manuscript was not studied in depth and its significance is not clear. The writer's affiliation is also unknown.
Approximately 100 leaves. Varied size and condition of leaves. Bound with a new elaborate leather binding.