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Lot 156

Three Tzedakah Boxes – Jerusalem

1. Tzedakah box, "Bikur Holim", tin. [Eretz Israel, before 1948]. "Made in Palestine by Alfred Salzmann"."Tzedakah Gedolah far Bikur Holim hospital…gegrindet durkh haga'on hazadik rabi Shmuel Salant.." Height: 12 cm, width: 10 cm, depth: 4 cm. Good condition, never used, minor paint flaking and some rust. Including original key.
2. Tzedakah box, "Bikur Holim", tin. [Eretz Israel, before 1948]. "Made in Palestine by Alfred Salzmann". "Zedaka Gedolah far Bikur Holim hospital, Talmud Torah veYeshivat Etz Haim in Yerushalayim". Height: 8 cm, width: 6.5 cm, depth: 4 cm. Good condition. Never used.
3. Tzedakah box – Rabi Meir Ba'al HaNess, tin. Eretz Israel, [early 20th century]. Inscription and illustrations of the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock in gold on black background. Height: 12 cm, width: 11 cm, fair condition, rust and paint flaking.