Lot 111
Collection of Photographed Postcards – "Petticoat Lane" Market – London, early 20th century
15 photographed postcards – "Petticoat Lane" Market. London [early 20th cent.]
Photos of Petticoat Lane market in London and the Jewish vendors in the market: Polly Nathan's Fish Shop, an auction of second-hand clothes on Sunday, Jews' Free School building, etc.
"Petticoat Lane" is one of the oldest markets in London. Starting in 1882 Jewish immigrants who fled from East Europe settled in the area. Many of the Jews were involved with the trades of textile and clothing, and contributed to the prosperity of the market. The Jewish character of the market at that period affected the days of operation – the market operated on Sundays but was closed on Saturdays. 15 postcards. Condition varies. Five postcards have been used.