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"The Holy Land – History, Sites and Monuments" – Two Volumes – Victor Guיrin, 1884

1. La terre sainte, Son histoire - ses souvenirs - ses sites - ses monuments [The Holy Land – History, Remembrances,Sites and Monuments], Victor Guérin. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884. First volume, 2nd edition.
2. La Terre Sainte, Liban, Pheìnicie, Palestine occidentale et meìridionale, Peìtra, Sinaï, Egypte [the Holy Land – Lebanon,Phoenicia, Western and Southern Palestine, Petra, Sinai, Egypt]. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884, second volume, 2nd edition. The text describes the archaeology of the Holy Land with biblical and Talmudic citations, as well as writings by Jewish travelers like Binyamin Metudela and Yitzchak Hilu.
In addition appear citations from Greek mythology and researchers of the Levant, the author's contemporaries as Robinson. Visual descriptions of views, characters, architecture and archaeology are integrated into the text.
The author, Victor Guérin (1821-1891), was a French intellectual and amateur archaeologist who arrived in Eretz Israel eight times between the years 1852 and 1888. Volume I: 468 pp; Volume II: 512 pp. 39 cm. Etchings in various sizes. Good condition, spotting on some of the leaves, contemporary binding.