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Lot 370

Midrash B'Chiddush – Passover Haggadah – Venice, 1641

Midrash B'Chiddush, commentary on the Passover Haggadah, by Rabbi Eliezer Nachman Puah. Venice, 1641. With the version of the Haggadah.
The author, Rabbi Eliezer Nachman Puah (died in 1659), disciple of the Rama of Pano and one of the leading Mekubalim in Italy, headed the Chevrat Aluvim in the city of Reggio. At the end of the introduction are printed signatures of 25 members of this association, disciples of the author who published this book. At the end of the book is "Salvation for Jewish sinners" (a prayer written by the author).
Ya'ari 44; Otzar HaHagadot 58.
36 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition, stains. Stamp on title page. Ancient binding, with damages.
From the collection of Moshe Ya’ari.