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Manuscript by the Chatam Sofer – Novellae on Talmudic Topics

Autographic handwriting of the Chatam Sofer. 3 pages. Novellae on an entire discussion of laws of interest in Tractate Bava Metzia, in his handwriting.
These novellae were printed with slight changes of wording, in the book Chatam Sofer, Chidushei Sugiyot. (Jerusalem, 1993).
The Chatam Sofer was accustomed to writing his novellae, responses and classes in an organized fashion. As he writes in one of his famous letters: "I write, with ink on paper, all the wisdom that Hashem has granted me, be it in halacha or aggada, and anyone who wants can come and copy it. This is what our grandfathers did before the invention of the print". His novellae on Talmudic topics had the unique quality of being written from beginning to end in nice handwriting. His descendants were used to preserving his manuscripts, saying that they are beneficial in bringing Fear of Heaven and help and salvation from Hashem.
3 pages 25.5 cm. Very good condition. Thin, high quality paper, slightly worn by time.