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Lot 253

Manuscript – Mevo She'arim by Rabbi Chaim Vital, With Important Glosses – Tunis, 1728

Manuscript, Mevo She'arim, by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Tunis, [1728].
This manuscript was edited and copied in Tunis with the incorporation of glosses by Rabbi Ya'akov Tzemach, Rabbi Natan Shapira and Rabbi Moshe Zakut (all of which who edited the book at various stages), with glosses by other Mekubalim from Europe and North Africa. Glosses from Western Mekubalim Rabbi Avraham Azulai and Rabbi Ya'akov Maragi, written originally on Otzrot Chaim and later incorporated and adjusted to this book. Glosses of the Rabach – Rabbi Binyamin HaCohen of Reggio [disciple of Rabbi Moshe Zakut. Died about a year before this manuscript was finished]. Several glosses by Rabbi Azriel of Krotoszyn [a Mekubal from Germany and Poland – see: Y. Avivi, Kabalat Ha'Ari, Vol 2 pp. 766-769]. After the index, the author added glosses "Belongs to Siman 73 and Mevo She'arim" [8 pages]. On the last two leaves are glosses in another handwriting: "Glosses on Mevo She'arim what I have found written in another book".
At the beginning of the manuscript is a copy of Rabbi Chaim Vital's introduction to his book Etz Chaim. At the end is the index Petach HaTikva. Colophon (on Leaf 169/2): "I have written this manuscript in 1728 in the city of Tunis…" (The year in the colophon is damaged and difficult to read).
On the sheet margins are other glosses, with corrections and glosses with content, apparently in the handwriting of the Mekubal Rabbi Masud Alfasi. Several glosses start with the initials "N.L.M.A." = Nire Li (Seems to me) Masud Alfasi.
Rabbi Masud Alfasi was a leading Mekubal in western countries. In 1723, he emigrated from Morocco to Tunis where he was active until his death in 1775. From his writings, only the book Mishcha D'Rabuta was printed (Livorno 1805). He also wrote a large work on Kabalistic wisdom which was not published.
69, 71-169, [16] leaves (Leaf 70 is missing, Leaves 135 and 133 were not bound in their correct places, Leaves 157-158 were exchanged in binding). 19 cm. Varying condition of leaves, good-fair. Stains. Some leaves have tears, ink damage and moth damage (at times with damage to text). The leaves were professionally cleaned and restored. Most leaves are in good condition. New binding.
In the library of the Beit Midrash L'Rabbanim in Budapest there is a manuscript (K 245) of Mevo She'arim written in 1627 by Rabbi Ya'akov Lombrozo (Kabbalist in Tunis). That manuscript is edited in a very similar fashion with similar glosses