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Lot 158

Writ of Ordination to Rabbinate – Rebbe Shmuel Eliyahu of Modzitz

Letter signed by 122 Tel Aviv residents ordaining Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Taub son of the Modzitz Rebbe "as local rabbi of our neighborhood" (region of Lilenbloom-Yehuda, Halevi-Herzl Streets), "who will fill the position of rabbi and preacher and teach us all matters of religion which periodically rise, and we will apply to him with all our daily queries". They request the Chief Rabbinate to officially approve this ordination. Tel Aviv, [c. 1940].
Among those who signed are well-known Chassidim and public figures: Rabbi "Yitzchak Friedman" – Rebbe author of Siach Yitzhak from Husiatyn, Rabbi "Avraham Arten", Rabbi "Yisrael Asher Shapir' [Gur Chassid], Rabbi "Moshe Burstein", Rabbi "'Yitzchak Weinstein", Rabbi "Yitzchak Meir Kuperberg", Rabbi "Yissachar Dov Rokeach", etc.
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Taub (1905-1984, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, Vol. 3, pp. 691-693), son of Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Eliezer the Modzitz Rebbe (1887-Kislev 1948), ascended to Eretz Israel in 1936 and established his Beit Midrash. He was one of the leading rebbes in Eretz Israel and a member of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah.
2 connected leaves. 33 cm. Good-fair condition.