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Lot 152

Archive of Rabbi Shmaya Luria, Agudat Yisrael Matters, Kol Israel Newspaper, Immigration and Rescue, Education and Institutions

Huge archive of letters and documents, from the archive of Rabbi Shmaya Luria, an accomplished and influential individual, among senior activists of Agudat Yisrael, Beit Ya’akov and Slonim Chassidism in Eretz Israel.
• Letters pertaining to immigration certificates from approx. 1935. Including many letters from members of Slonim Chassidism in Poland and Eretz Israel. Letters and correspondences with institutions and many individuals from Eretz Israel and the Diaspora. Letters from the period of the Holocaust and the period of illegal immigration to Israel toward the end of British Mandate.
• Letters, printed items and documents from the period the of division of congregation into Knesset Yisrael and Ashkenazi Committee; many letters from Rabbi Moshe Bloy, leader of Agudat Yisrael in Jerusalem and from his sons; letters and printed items from the “Knesia Gedola” in Vienna [to where Rabbi Shmaya was sent as a representative on behalf of ‘Tze’irei Agudat Yisrael’ in Jerusalem]; polemic of Rabbi Kook and slaughter polemic; many letters regarding the visit of the Rebbe of Gur to Jerusalem, and polemic in opposition of ‘Kol Israel’ in light of the Gerrer Rebbe visiting Rabbi Kook; letters pertaining to Beit Ya’akov; letters and rabbinical rulings regarding the Diskin Orphanage; printed polemic proclamations and various publications; letters by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein and by lawyers regarding lands of ‘Machane Yisrael’; and more.
• Various letters regarding ‘Kol Israel’ newspaper and articles by Rabbi Shmaya and others; letters and documents concerning the establishment of daily newspaper ‘Israel’ under initiation of Rabbi Shmaya Luria and Dr. Mordechai Buxbaum; correspondences with general newspaper editorial staffs; many letters regarding educational institutions; many other letters and documents.
Rabbi Shmuel Luria (1905-1989), was born in Tiberias to his father Rabbi Tzvi Luria. Raised under the inspiration of leading Slonim Chassidim in Tiberias under guidance of his older brothers, Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria (author of Avodat Pnim) and Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria (author of Sha’arei Limud, Avkot Rochlim and Nachalei Amuna). After his marriage he was among the most prominent activists of Agudat Yisrael and Merkaz Beit Ya’akov. Served in various positions in the Eda HaCharedit and in Diskin Orphanage. Was among first editors of the Agudat Yisrael newspaper ‘Kol Israel’ [during the period of the Rabbi Kook polemic]. Traveled abroad to participate in the Knesia Gedola in Vienna [as representative on behalf of ‘Tze’irei Agudat Yisrael’ in Jerusalem. Also traveled to Poland to spend time and absorb the greatness of his rabbis - rebbes of Slonim, in Baranovichi and Slonim. Was involved in arrangement of certificates for immigration to Eretz Israel during the 1930s. Was among the leaders of Beit Ya’akov movement in Eretz Israel, and after the establishment of the State of Israel was appointed as supervisor of Orthodox education [‘Zerem HaRevi’i which was eventually called ‘Mercaz HaChinuch HaAtzmai’]. Later on he also worked in the Ministry of Education as supervisor of post-primary education. Was also among the leaders of the management of Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and leaders of the congregation.
Hundreds of letters and documents, various sizes and conditions.