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Lot 132

Two Books from the Library of Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wachs, Author of Nefesh Chaya

• Darkei Noam, responsa. Rabbi Mordechai HaLevi. Venice, [1697]. Ancient signatures. Two glosses [by two writers].
• Simlat Binyamin, with Bigdei Kehuna, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah. Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Rappaport, Dyhernfurt, [1788].
In both books appear inscriptions that the book belongs to Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wachs. In the second book appears his stamp.
Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wachs (1826-1889), prominent Torah scholar and leader of Polish Jewry. Served in the Rabbinate of Tarnogród, Kalisz and Piotrków, yet known primarily as the “Rabbi of Kalisz”, and eventually known by the name of his book 'Nefesh Chaya". Son-in-law of Rabbi Yehoshua of Kutna, author of Yeshuot Malko; together they were active in supporting the settlement in Eretz Israel. From 1869, he served as president of "Kollel Poland" for the poor residents of Eretz Israel and even purchased plots of land in Kfar Hittim near Tiberias where he planted citron orchards to establish a source of income for the Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel. Among his famous disciples is Meir Dan Plotzky Rabbi of Dvart (Warta), author of Kli Chemda.
Two books, varied size and condition.