Lot 127
Sefer Hafla'ah – Offenbach, 1787 – Signatures of Rabbi Shalom Weiner, Av Beit Din of Lashbrin, and his Grandson, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt
Sefer Ketubah which is the first section of Sefer Hafla’ah, Chiddushim on tractate Ketubot and laws pertaining to the Ketubah, by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Ish Horowitz. Offenbach, [1787].First edition.
The author, Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Ish Horowitz, (1791-1805), close disciple of Rabbi Dov Ber the Magid of Mezeritch, [together with his brother Rabbi Shmelke], Av Beit Din of Frankfurt am Main, and Rabbi of the Chatam Sofer. He was called "Ba'al HaHafla'a" (author of HaHafla'a).
Signature on title page: "A gift from G-d…Shimon Weiner [Lashbrin]". At the bottom of the title page is a stamp: Dr S.B. – belonging to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer Av Beit Din of Frankfurt am Main.
Rabbi Shimon Weiner (1769-1871), a prominent disciple of the Chatam Sofer and Rabbi Mordechai Bennet. Served as Rabbi of Zalaszentgrót and afterward of Lovasberény [see the book "HaChatam Sofer V'Talmidav" pp. 453-454 and attached material]. His grandson, his daughter's son, was Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Dr. Breuer (1850-1926) disciple of the Ktav Sofer (see "HaChatam Sofer V'Talmidav" pp. 540-541). Son-in-law of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and as of 1890, his successor in the Frankfurt am Main Rabbinate. Author of Divrei Shlomo.
[1], 6, 90 [should be: 180]; [1], 86, [1] leaves. 32 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Several loose leaves. Leather binding, damaged.