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Lot 56

Tractate Megillah - Small Format – Slavita, 1822

Tractate Megillah, with Rashi and Tosfot and Torah Or and Ein Mishpat, with the addition of glosses by R' Yeshaya Berlin. Chiddushei Hilchot Maharsha at the end of the tractate. Slavita, 1822, printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira.
Small format edition (for travel), each two pages are the size of one page of the regular editions.
Signatures and ownership inscriptions: "Zvi Hirsh [Sht]tlman"; "Moshe Shtetlman"; "Shlomo Teitelbaum".
[62], 33-34 leaves. 22 cm. Good-fair condition, use stains. Moth damage. Old binding with leather spine.