Lot 544
Seven Rabbinical Letters
Seven important and interesting letters by different rabbis.
1. Letter concerning the Eiruv in Jerusalem, by Rabbi Shimshon Aharon Polonsky (Rabbi of Teplik), 1936.
2. Book approbation, by Rabbi Ya'akov Bezalel Zolti (Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem), 1973.
3. Long letter by Rabbi Nachum Etrog (rabbi in Safed), 1924.
4. Letter to save a Dutch Jew, by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Hertzog (Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael), 1943.
5. Letter concerning divorce and marriage, by Rebbe Menachem Nachum Rabinovitz (of Haifa rabbis), 1939.
6. Letter by Rabbi Shalom Moshe Unger, Rosh Nitra Yeshivah in the U.S.A. (on second page Torah writing in his father's name), 1948.
7. Interesting letter by Rabbi Shabtai Yagel Rosh Slonim Yeshivah. 1948.
Various sizes, good condition.