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Lot 53

A Magnificent Eretz Israeli Escritoire, Early 20th Century

Large elaborate wooden escritoire. Eretz Israel [early 20th century].
Olive wood; carved decorations; a board inlaid with several types of wood. Inscribed: "Jerusalem", "Know before whom you stand, before the King of Kings, The Holy One Blessed be He", "Bezalel", "Yerushalem".
The escritoire is built from two primary wooden pieces, the writing box (the top) and the body of the escritoire (its bottom). Below is a description of its parts and details of their shape:
The writing box is composed of a hinged lid that can be raised, under which is a large storage space (with a lock). In the center of the large rectangular writing surface (the lid is 26X57 cm.) is an impressive craftwork inlaid with several types of wood – light-colored and dark - which portray the view of the Old City of Jerusalem (from the north), the golden Dome of the Rock in the center, The Tower of David in the west and the Gate of Mercy in the east. Above the writing surface are two rectangular compartments (with lock mechanisms) with a thin inner partition in each compartment for papers and letters; on the front are carved grape clusters, vines and leaves.
The sides of the writing box are also decorated with carvings of grape clusters, vines and leaves. Hidden on the right side is a removable wooden pencil box for storing writing utensils, an inkwell, pen etc. divided into four cells. After removing the pencil box from the writing box, it can be attached to its length (by a hinge) for the writer's convenience.
Three massive wooden adornments, carved in vegetal patterns, decorate the place where the writing box is connected to the body of the escritoire (one is missing). The body of the escritoire is built like a large high rectangular box. Each side has a handsome door (with lock mechanisms), which hide three large wooden drawers with carved handles (total of six drawers). The whole escritoire stands on four wooden legs (two are missing).
Height: 92 cm. width: 70 cm. length: 60 cm. Overall good condition. Several cracks and minor damages to the wooden boards. Minor damage to the lock holes; the lock mechanisms work properly. Two keys are enclosed (the rest are missing). Ink stains to the wooden pencil box. One leg is missing; one leg is detached.