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Lot 38

Shev Ya'akov Responsa – Frankfurt am Main, 1742 – Signed by the Malbim

Shev Ya'akov Responsa, Vol. 1 [Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah] and Vol. 2 [Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat], by Rabbi Ya'akov, son of Rabbi Binyamin Katz [Poprosh]. Frankfurt am Main, [1742].
Separate title page for each volume. Handsome copy in good condition.
On the leaf after the first title page is a signature in the handwriting of Rabbi "Meir Leibush Malbim". [Another signature on the title page: "Refael ben Rabbi M---"].
Rabbi Meir Leibush Malbim – [Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yechiel Michel], (1809-1880, Otzar HaRabanim 13090) - a Bible commentator and one of the outstanding leaders of his generation, proficient in revealed and hidden Torah (studied kabbalah from Rabbi Zvi Hirsh of Zhidachov). In his youth, he wrote the book "Artzot HaChaim" on the Shulchan Aruch which received the enthusiastic approbation of the Chatam Sofer who proclaimed the Malbim an exceptional Torah genius.
In all places where he served as Rabbi and where he traversed (he served in Wreschen, Kempen, Bucharest, Kherson, Lencziza, Mogilev and Königsberg), the Malbim was renowned for his uncompromising opposition to the "modernists", maskilim and reform Judaism, and suffered much travail on this accord. During the time he served in the Bucharest rabbinate, he led the resistance against the city's maskilim which ended in a blood libel schemed by his opposers for which the Malbim was imprisoned and sentenced to death. Only after Sir Moses Montefiore intervened on his behalf was his sentence altered to expulsion from Romania.
The spreading of the Enlightenment Movement caused the Malbim to devote his skills and much time to writing a systematic commentary on the Bible, in order to explain the depth of Chazal's wisdom and the truth of the Oral Torah. So his famous commentary on the Bible was created. It was accepted in all Jewish circles and merited hundreds of editions.
[1], 109; [1], 139 leaves. 32 cm. High-quality paper. Good condition, stains, few moth holes. Minor damage to binding.