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Lot 23

Orach LaChaim – Berdychiv, 1817

Orach LaChaim, on the Torah, five parts. By Rebbe Avraham Chaim of Żelechów. Berdychiv, 1817. Printed by Rabbi Irael Beck. First edition.
Interesting approbations by Chassidic leaders: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv [who writes "This book was written by a giant among giants who wrote this work with holy purity"]; Rabbi Israel of Kozhnitz [who concludes "My prayer is always on my lips before G-d our Redeemer, that we shall serve him day and night and gather strength until the day on which he will give us joy just as the days we were afflicted, and he will bring us to his Holy Mountain"]; Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak "the Chozeh of Lublin" [who writes: "Although I usually do not conduct myself in greatness, because each person knows his own way and I am neither a Rabbi or a Maggid, however, love changes a person's conduct. Out of my love of G-d… and I also love every Jew and much more so the tzaddikim, therefore I am writing an approbation…"]; Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta; Rabbi Chaim of Botosani (author of Siduro Shel Shabbat) and a long introduction by Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margaliot of Brody.
52; 59; 29; 37; 31 leaves. 20 cm. Greenish paper, varying condition, most leaves are in good condition. First and last leaves are damaged and restored. Some leaves have damages to margins with lacking text. Many inscriptions in later handwriting. Handsome leather binding.
Rare. Stefansky Chassidut, no. 34.