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Torah scroll in Ancient Ashkenazi Writing, Written According to Early Ashkenazi Tradition and with Rare Crownlets of Unusual and Odd Letters, 16th/17th Century

Ancient Torah scroll, early Ashkenazi writing, with many crownlet adornments and unusual odd letters, including rare appearances of these letters. [16/17 century]. With replaced sheets from later times [c. 17/18 century].
This scroll has letters with many crownlets and unusual letters according to the custom of early scribes, including unusual crownlets, upside-down letters, spiral Peh (inner winding of the middle of the letter), odd Chet (the legs of the letter Chet are wide apart and according to Ashkenaz tradition are adorned at the ends of the legs). Special adornments of the letters Lamed, Nun and other letters. This Torah scroll was written according to early Ashkenazi tradition including the tradition regarding chaseirot and yeteirot (with a Vav and Yud or without), open and closed parshiot, large and small letters, dotted letters (special dots above selected list of letters) and the manner in the writing of the last lines of Shirat HaYam in Parshat Beshalach. The Shirat HaYam has unique changes in this scroll in the manner the words are divided among the three columns of the shira (song).
This scroll was written according to the tradition and custom of early scribes as detailed in the early book called Sefer Tagi. This tradition is brought by the Rambam in Hilchot Sefer Torah Chapter 7, Halacha 8. There he writes: "ナand he should be careful with large and small letters and with dotted letters and odd letters, such as the spiral Pehs and the crooked letters, in the manner copied from scribe to scribe, and he should be careful with the crownlets and their number, some letters have one crownlet and others have sevenナ". This manner of writing has slowly disappeared throughout the generations, due to lack of uniformity in the various versions of this tradition and relying on the Rambam's opinion that a Sefer Torah is not invalid (pasul) without the crownlets and odd lettering. The tradition of crownlets and odd letters is still preserved in some of the Ashkenazi Torah scrolls even from later times. In recent years, Torah scrolls are not written with crownlets and odd letters.
All the above is written according to a detailed opinion (19 leaves) of a researcher of the area of the many crownlets and odd letters, with details of the many differences. According to the finding of the study and the examination, some of the appearances of the many crownlets and odd letters are entirely unknown from other sources.
Some speculate that the scroll was written in Poland, but it is not clear. The replacement sheets were written in different times (most were written especially to restore this scroll).
The height of the parchment is approximately 65 cm. The maximal size including the atzei chaim is 100 cm. 72 sheets, 215 columns. 53 are original and 19 were written as restoration and were changed during various times. The ink of the original sheets has faded and was restored with early reinforcement according to the first writing.
Estimate: 20,000-30,000$